Contracting Capacities at an interconnection

At interconncetion points, the Transmission System Operator offers the service of booking firm and interruptible transmission system capacity in the form of standard capacity products (Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily, Within-day) and it can be booked as a bundled or unbundled capacity product, in accordance with the provisions of CAM Regulation and the Transmission System Network Code.

Standard capacity products at interconnection points

Type of capacity
Contracting Period

Annual - capacity booking on an annual level - annual auction for one or more gas years, within a period of 15 gas years
Quarterly - capacity booking on a quarterly level - annual auction for four quarters of the following gas year
Monthly - capacity booking on a monthly level - monthly auction for the following month
Daily - capacity booking on a daily level - daily auction for the following gas day
Within-day - within-day capacity booking on an hourly level - within-day auction for the remaining hours of the current gas day

The transmission system capacity at interconnection points is booked based on the previously concluded Interconnection Gas Transmission Contract.
The unofficial translation of the forms (in Croatian) of the Annexes to the Interconnection Gas Transmission Contract you can find here: Annex 2 and Annex 3

The procedure of contracting standard capacity products at interconnection points is described in Instructions for contracting capacity at interconnections.

Booking of capacity at interconnection points is carried out through auctions at the web booking platforms of platform managers:
in accordance with the time schedule of auctions (ENTSO-G auction calendar for 2023/2024 i 2024/2025).