Works on the offshore part of the Omišalj-Zlobin gas pipeline about to be completed

Zagreb, 13 August – on Wednesday, 12 August, in the late evening hours, the most demanding works on the 750-meter long offshore section of the Omišalj-Zlobin gas pipeline have been completed by laying the pipes on the bottom of the Tihi kanal near Omišalj on the island of Krk. This was technically the most complex activity on the construction of the 16.7 km long gas pipeline. The contractors were the companies Monter-Strojarske montaže and Pomgrad Inženjering. A total of about 120 people were engaged in the works.

The works started on 27 July and it took a week to lower the pipes into the sea. On 11 and 12 August final works of submerging the pipes to the seabed were carried out. The depth of the sea at one part of the canal is 55 meters, which is just one of indicators of the complexity of the mentioned works. Moreover, the pipes were joined and welded in a single unit, each individual pipe was 12 meters long and weighted 13.5 tonnes. The pipe laying was preceded by the trench preparation and the complete arrangement of the seabed for submerging the pipes.

It should be noted that the works on the construction of the Omišalj-Zlobin gas pipeline, which began in December last year, are proceeding according to the planned dynamics. At the same time, works are being performed along the entire route of the gas pipeline, from the future gas node Zlobin to the future gas node Omišalj. So far, the entire trench has been excavated and prepared and about 80 percent of pipes have already been laid into the trench and backfilled. The works are also being carried out on the previously mentioned gas nodes and on Voz and Bobuši line break stations.

The completion of the construction of the Omišalj-Zlobin gas pipeline, a 430-milion HRK worth investment, is planned by the end of the year, so that when the LNG terminal becomes operational, the delivery of gas from the terminal is ensured.